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DFW Lot Clearing

Lot Clearing - Land Clearing - Property Clearing - Tree Clearing - Brush Clearing
Leveling & Grading
DFW Lot Clearing provides grading and leveling services as part of our lot clearing service. Whether you are in need of simply leveling out some high/low spots, or want to level an entire lot, we can help.

No matter what your project is, if you need soil leveled and/or grading services, you need not look any further. Our pricing simply can't be beat. We are known as the "Affordable" lot clearing company.
No matter what the condition of your property is in when we start, we can do whatever it takes to get it cleared and leveled as needed.
We have all of the necessary equipment to handle your job, big or small.
Call (214) 579-8063 now to schedule a FREE estimate
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